Barefoot gumboots designed for children's comfort no matter the situation.

This product was first conceived by my client aiming to fill a gap in the children’s footwear market, the gap being a barefoot-style gumboot. Given the benefits of barefoot footwear for children, my research was directed towards the branding, fashionability and emotional connections to the product to improve awareness and uptake. Therefore the product is needing to demonstrate considerations towards: The environment in respects to lifecycle and materials, adhere to barefoot shoe traits, practical value for parents, comfortable experience and emotional value for children. These goals must be met to achieve a successful product in the market for its intended users. The research has directed the product’s outcome towards a practical value approach for parents to justify the inevitable higher costs attracted by sustainable products. Children need to be able to develop a connection to their clothes as they become an important article of self-expression while they’re young. Popular brands for children demonstrated a wide variety in styles and colours which allowed them to feel included in social groups while still feeling free to express themselves, a trait that becomes more and more important when children grow older.

Concept generation
My research highlighted a 'value for money' attitude held by parents as their children will frequently out grow their shoes before they are completely ruined from wear. Having a shoe that can be suitable for a variety of activities in different weather conditions was also desirable for cutting back on the number of shoes that need replacement when they're inevitably outgrown.
The main concepts I focused on had removable liners to help transitioning from warmer to cooler seasons or had a repairable sole so shoes may be refurbished. Others had a slightly thicker, more protective sole for when kids are playing on rougher terrain or had a style that could more seamlessly blend in with a school uniform.

I pursued the removable liner concept as it could potentially combine three shoes into one; Liner on its own used as a water shoe, Gumboot on it's own is most suitable for summer or spring and using the liner inside the gumboot would make it ideal for the coldest of winter days. I needed to work out how exactly the liner would be secured to the gumboot so they would stay together as a single shoe when required but still be removable when it wasn't required or needed to be washed. Physical prototypes helped to me to better understand the strengths and the usability of the different mechanisms to secure the liner in place.

with the Liner refined towards a drawstring style or a Velcro zipper boot I started to look closer at the gumboots styling and making sure it was complimentary to the style of liner in looks and functionality. sketching some of the concepts inside of a 3D program like Gravity sketch helped to visualise some of these designs better and understand the product better from all angles.
Final Design
The Bomps gumboot is a universal kids adventure shoe, suitable for jumping in the mud, running through the playground or exploring every part of a rock pool. The removable ventiprene liner doubles as an insulator when worn inside the boot for chilly days or can be worn by itself as a water shoe. Unlike traditional neoprene ventiprene allows the foot to breathe while maintaining protective properties. The natural rubber gumboot is super flexible with a zero drop heel and wide toe box letting your kid’s foot work naturally. The sole can be removed and replaced when its owner outgrows it, renewing it for another pair of feet to enjoy some adventures in the great outdoors.