Designed for entertaining

The coffee table was designed for my parents and it aimed to help solve one of their biggest issues in their lounge room, keeping their current coffee table tidy. When impromptu visitors arrived or if the spontaneous urge to play a board game arose they'd have to spend time clearing the table enough for drinks and snacks. My parents wanted a way to easily clear the tabletop and keep books, knitting projects, and tv remotes nearby to avoid misplacement.

The final product was constructed using biscuits, dowels, screws and welds as well as 3D printed bearings for the rotating door to freely spin inside of. Large panels were glued together before multiple passes with hand planes and orbital sanders to achieve the smoothest results, some panels were made to have multiple pieces cut for continuity. The storage unit of the table formed a large part of its base and a combination of glue, dowels, screws and welds to form a solid structure under the shelf and tabletop.
Final Design
The final design included a swinging door that used an axel that sat inside 3D printed caps to allow the door to spin as freely as possible. This door included a storage pocket for ongoing knitting projects and a small cabinet that could house a few games or more balls of yarn. the lower shelf provided an area that an array of things can be placed on to keep them out of the way but easily accessible.
The table was constructed from reclaimed & new victorian ash, red ironbark and steel.